Quick facts about sleep, pre-marital living arrangements and lowering risk of heart disease.
By PT Staff published March 1, 2004 - last reviewed on June 9, 2016
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- Tidbit definition: 1. A small piece of interesting information, or a small dish of pleasant-tasting food: 2.
- Freedom from painful decisions is a happy result of discovering who you really are. Truth has its reasons for acting as it does, and every one of them is for your benefit. Calm command can replace agitation as surely as sunshine can replace a storm. All good things come to anyone who refuses to be intimidated by his own despair.
The Volunteer Center has walk-in hours from 9 a.m. Monday through Thursday. The address is 620 Dakota St., Crystal Lake. Staff at the Volunteer Center will be happy to help you find.
6 to 7
Number of hours of sleep per night associated with long life. People who sleep 8 or more hours a night, or 4.5 hours or less, do not survive as long as those who get in 6-7 hours of shut-eye.
I Do Don't
Only a minority of couples who live together—40 percent—get married, a new study shows. More and more, cohabitation is not a transition to marriage but an alternative to it—even for couples with the best economic prospects.
Diet Wars
If you are looking to lower your risk of heart disease, then you'll do best to follow a diet low in fat and loaded with fruit and veggies. Compared with a high-fat diet, it reduces levels of a substance linked to inflammation of blood vessels, an identified cause of heart attacks.
Sweeter Dreams
If you don't want restless nights then discharge stress during the day. Stress disrupts fundamental rhythms of the nervous system, leading to more frequent awakenings and more shallow sleep.
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